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Siu Index
December 2010 No 88

Tell a pal - and tell an MSP

There is a real alternative to cuts in public services but we need to spread the word and get as many people contacting their MSPs as possible.

Why not email your friends, family and colleagues urging them to get in touch with their local MSPs? Spread the word on your Facebook page, Twitter, or blog.

Or talk to your colleagues over a cup of tea or at the water cooler. And if they’re not already a UNISON member, why not ask them to join?

Get all the resources you need at www.unison-scotland.org.uk/publicworks

What should you tell them?

1. The cuts are driven by ideology, not economics. There’s nothing inevitable about cuts.

2. We all need public services - the economy needs public services - we can afford public services if everyone pays their fair share

3. The economy depends on a healthy public sector - cuts risk a double dip recession

4. No private/public divide. For every one public sector job lost, at least one lost in private sector. For every £1 earned by public service worker 70p goes back into local economy

5. Cuts hit the poorest far more than the rich - we are not ‘all in this together’

6. After the war debt was at least three times (at peak 5 times) higher, yet we built the NHS and the Welfare State.

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