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Siu Index
December 2010 No 88

Campaign skills festival huge success

Over 100 activists, staff and community activists from across Scotland took part in UNISON Scotland’s ‘Mobilise’ campaigning festival at the STUC in Glasgow last month.

Focussing on organisation, the weekend pulled together a range of campaigning and bargaining tools, including media skills, ‘know your rights’, strategic campaigning, public speaking, involving members, equality issues, new media, economic briefings and myth-busting – along with more esoteric sessions on comedy skills and political song. An exhibition on trade union history provided the backdrop to the weekend.

Evening entertainment included Carol Laula (who did a music workshop), talented UNISON activists and one of the masters of political song, Arthur Johnstone. Famous comedienne Susan Morrison led a fantastic ‘phone-in’ sesion.

“Activists put amazing energy and commitment into the event and there was a real buzz about it”, said Peter Hunter, one of the organisers.

Participant Ann Gray wrote on facebook, “It was an inspirational weekend”.

Opening the event, UNISON Scottish Convener Mike Kirby stressed the need to engage with members and get the arguments across that there is an alternative to the cuts. And closing the event, Communications Chair John Stevenson said people were relying on the unions to stand up for public services and the welfare state we had built, and we had a duty to do that.

“We need to take out the knowledge and skills we have learned here to pass them on to new activists”, with one simple message... We are proud of our public services and we will defend them”. He thanked Nancy Kelly, the staff team and all the tutors for the work they had put in.

Check out the Mobilise facebook link on the UNISON Scotland website for more comments, a video and photos.

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