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Siu Index
December 2005 No.58
Reconvened Black Members Conference to be held in New Year

by Hamid Rasheed

The Scottish Black Members AGM, which was scheduled to take place on 19 November has been postponed, because there was no quorum. The AGM will now take place in the New Year.

David Ng Hop, Secretary Scottish Black Members Committee said, "Many UNISON members face discrimination both at work and in society. Ensuring equality of opportunity is therefore one of UNISON'S key objectives.

"It is very important for black UNISON members in Scotland to attend the Scottish Black Members AGM, and elect a new Scottish Black Members Committee, capable of taking on the challenge to enable UNISONScotland to develop policies and tackle discrimination face by black members".

Bernard Kamya joint communications officer of the Scottish Black Members Committee, said, "Like any other self organised group, the Scottish Black Members Group is not exclusiveand we do not work in isolation. Self organised groups are an integral part of UNISON's structure. They have key a role in ensuring that UNISON's bargaining agenda reflects their concerns".

It requires 15 members to complete a quorum, according to the group's constitution. The date for Scottish Black Members AGM will be announced soon. Last year the Scottish Black Members AGM was attended by 24 black members. It is sad not enough interest was shown by the members in attending the AGM this year.

It is vital for black members (and for branches to encourage their black members) to attend the next AGM. This not only provides members an opportunity to know about the performance of the Scottish Black Members Committee, but to use their vote to elect a new Scottish Black Members Committee.

Use of this democratic right is essential for strong self organisation. Self organisation is a means to an end - the achievement of equality for all members.

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