UNISON Scotland
Letter from UNISON Scottish Secretary to MPs re Foundation
17 November 2003
House of Commons
Dear MP
I write on behalf of UNISON Scotland to
ask that you oppose the introduction of Foundation Hospitals when
the matter comes before the House of Commons later this week.
It is unusual for me to write directly on such matters but I have
a very real concern, not only for the constitutional position,
but for the impact your decision will have on our colleagues in
other parts of the United Kingdom.
There is no mandate in Scotland to support Foundation
Hospitals. Indeed the people of Scotland voted overwhelmingly
for parties opposed to such hospitals as recently as May of this
year. We are pleased to note that the Scottish Government has
no plans to introduce them to Scotland and it would be invidious
if Scottish votes were used to impose this unpopular and divisive
policy in England. Most of us in Scotland were appalled by the
imposition of the Poll Tax by MPs from part of the country where
it had no bearing at the time. There are strong parallels with
Foundation Hospitals and it would be tragic if they were only
to be approved on the basis of Scottish votes.
UNISON has sent to you details of its opposition
to these proposals and I should be happy to provide you with any
further information you require in respect to our campaign. In
the meantime I ask that you join with the overwhelming view of
the Scottish people and of so many at a UK level who have expressed
their total opposition to such hospitals.
I hope to have your support in this matter.
Yours sincerely
Matt Smith
Scottish Secretary |