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Communications Index | Press releases | Scotland inUNISON | Campaigns


Date: Tuesday 28 July 2009

Nursery closure attempt at Glasgow College prompts strike action ballot.

UNISON, the education union, is balloting around 80 members in Glasgow College of Nautical Studies for strike action, in response to management proposals to cut 5 jobs by closing the baby room in the college's Thistle Street Nursery. Ballot papers will go out to staff this Wednesday (29 July).

Jim Snell, Assistant Service Conditions Officer for Glasgow City Branch of UNISON said "This is the first stage in managements plan to close the Thistle Street nursery completely by July 2010, closing an important service and losing a total of 20 jobs.

"This is exactly the sort of cut that UNISON is convinced is resulting from the city centre college merger proposals. UNISON's college membership in Glasgow have already expressed their opposition to the proposals and will continue to fight the cuts as they become more damaging."

If the ballot for strike action is successful, the first day of action will be Thursday 20 August, coinciding with a major staff conference planned by the college management. Further days of action will be called if necessary and after consultation with members.

UNISON is continuing to meet with college management to try and persuade them to change their direction and will continue to raise questions on the different options that they have looked at.

Jim Snell said "Management have failed to share any information with UNISON on the background to the decision to close the nursery. We are urging members at the college to deliver a resounding YES vote, and demonstrate the strength of opposition to management's cuts."

The Ballot closes on 13 August.


For further information please contact: Jim Snell (Branch Asst Service Conditions Officer) 07947993222 Brian Smith ,( Branch Secretary) 07870 914 361 Chris Bartter (Communications Officer) 07715 583 729

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