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Communications Index | Press releases | Scotland inUNISON | Campaigns


Date: 30 March 2005

Housing walkout closes GHA office

Over 500 staff of the Glasgow Housing Association walked out on a one day strike today (Wednesday 30 March), closing nearly 60 offices across Glasgow.

The strike action was to protest against the company's withdrawal of rent collection facilities from 14 offices throughout the city. It will mean the loss of 28 cashiers jobs.

Dougie Black, Regional Officer for the union's Glasgow City Branch, said. "The strike action was solid throughout Glasgow. Members clearly see the importance of retaining rent collection facilities within GHA offices. At a time when post offices and banks are closing local facilities, the GHA should not be adding to this rundown in the communities of Glasgow. "

John Wright, Convenor of the UNISON GHA Stewards said "Withdrawing cash collection hits older people, those with disabilities and other disadvantaged groups hardest, and they are a high proportion of GHA tenants. The strike is all about defending facilities for tenants. We have had a wide range of support from them and other community groups and hope that will continue."

The withdrawal of these facilities will mean that tenants no longer have a 'one-door' housing facility - able to pay their rent and query financial changes and allocations, and report repairs all at the same office. The union hopes that the GHA will take notice of the strength of this action and reopen negotiations.

Dougie Black said "It is clear that no-one wants this cut in service. Not tenants, not communities, not staff. It is time that the GHA reassessed this cut and went back to maintaining and improving their service to Glasgow tenants."


For Further Information Please Contact: Dougie Black (Regional Officer) 0845 355 0845(o) 07968 478 195(m)
