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Communications Index | Press releases | Scotland inUNISON | Campaigns


25 June 2003

Principles are needed to renew Scottish public services - UNISON

General Secretary. Dave Prentis, General Secretary of UNISON, the UK's largest union, today called on the Scottish Executive to adopt the five principles that UNISON is promoting if it wants to successfully revitalise Scotland's public services. The call was made at an event to mark the union's 10th Anniversary, organised at the Scottish Parliament.

Dave Prentis, said "UNISON members are both consumers and deliverers of public services. No one is better placed to know that the status quo is not an option. Scotland's public services need renewal, but unless the Executive works with service users and service providers, and unless they accept the five main principles we are outlining, the revitalisation of public services will not be successful."

The union invited all Scotland's MSP's. their researchers and other interested people to see for themselves UNISON's arguments regarding the need to revitalise Scotland's public services.

"UNISON is committed to the best public services in Scotland." Said Dave Prentis "To get them we need to ensure services;

* Are democratically accountable,

* Have the capacity to allow innovation

* Can recruit and retain quality staff

* Monitor their performance fairly, and

* Use public service networks to ensure the best quality across Scotland."

The 10 Anniversary event is in the Hub, Castlehill, Edinburgh from 12 noon, until 2.00 pm on Wednesday 25 June. Media Representatives and photographers/camera crews are welome.


For Further Information Please Contact: Matt Smith (Scottish Secretary) - 07771 548 997(m) Dave Watson (Scottish Organiser) - 07787 558 410(m) Chris Bartter (Communications Officer) - 0771 558 3729(m)
