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Communications Index | Press releases | Scotland inUNISON | Campaigns


Tues 8 July 2003

UNISON launches 10% pay campaign for nurses - Scotland's poorest paid professionals

Scotland's largest health care union, UNISON, has today issued a report that shows that, in comparison to other professional and frontline public sector workers, nurses are Scotland's poorest paid professionals.

In response, UNISON has launched a postcard campaign calling on Scotland's 129 MSPs to abide by their political parties' election manifestos, many of which promised to improve nurses' pay.

Anne McGinley, Chair of UNISON's Nursing Sector Committee said: "This report confirms what we have always thought - Nurses are Scotland's > poorest paid professionals."

UNISON's Lead Officer for Nursing, Bridget Hunter said: "The average age of a Scottish Nurses is 49 and we are having major difficulties recruiting and retaining staff as a result of poor pay."

Jim Devine, UNISON Scottish Organiser (Health) said: "Today UNISON is launching what is a unique pay campaign. We do not want our members to take industrial action nor are we going into formal dispute with their employers, namely Trusts, Health Boards and GPs. This campaign will be targetted specifically at MSPs demanding that they implement their manifesto commitments in relation to nurses pay. When our MSPs return in September we will be preparing a model resolution which we hope will be passed by the parliament."


[Note to Editor - You are invited to the launch of UNISON Scotland's "unique" 10% pay campaign for Nurses. It will take place at UNISON House, 14 West Campbell Street, Glasgow at 10.30am on Tuesday, 8th July 2003. Nurses will be available for interview.] CLICK HERE FOR THE FULL REPORT

For Further Information Please Contact: Jim Devine, Scottish Organiser (Health) 0845 355 0845(w) 07876 441 239(m)
