Sponsor Stephen and Gail to 'Make a Child Smile'
UNISON's National President is elected annually and one of the
traditions is that their presidency is marked by a project of
some kind. These have varied from particular works to a youth
project in Sierra Leone, 'Show Racism the Red Card' and a project
to support the survivors of domestic abuse.
As president for 2010/11, Scotland's Angela Lynes has worked
with UNISON Welfare to set up a 'Make a Child Smile' fund
(registered charity 1023552) to be spent on organising or
supporting activities and projects for vulnerable kids.
To support this, Glasgow Branch's Stephen Ready and Dundee's
Gail Miller are doing a sponsored parachute jump on behalf
of UNISON Sctland's Welfare Committee. You can sponsor them
using the sponsorship form
on the right .
Angela Lynes explains the background to the fund....
Children from low-paid families, or under
privileged backgrounds are among the most vulnerable members
of our society.
We have a duty to protect and care for them and I am proud
of the work our public services do to support such children
and their families, and often with very limited resources.
But I believe we can play a part in going beyond such interventions.
Part of growing up, and part of what makes us who we are,
is memories - and it's crucial that young children have positive
memories which can help them develop a positive outlook as
they grow.
That's why I'm asking UNISON branches and regions to support
my Make a Child Smile project and help create some good memories
for children in our communities.
How you can help?
The Make a Child Smile fund will be spent on organising or
supporting activities and projects for vulnerable kids.
Make a donation to the 'Make a Child Smile' Fund
A fund has been set up by UNISON Welfare (registered charity
1023552) to which branches and regions can apply for financial
support towards the event they want to support or organise.
Your branch/regional donation will help to build and sustain
the fund.
You could make a donation direct from branch funds or set
up a collection from members to send in. Cheques should be
made payable to: UNISON Welfare (Make a Child Smile Appeal)
and sent to UNISON Welfare, 1 Mabledon Place, London, WC1H