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Local Government
Pay Dispute Updates

7 December 2000


Dear Colleague


As you know UNISON's Industrial Action Committee met earlier today in London Ihave now been advised of the statement issued by the industrial Action Committee following its meeting. The statement reads as follows -

'The Committee reafflrms its strong support for the current industrial action and the continuing fight by members in Scotland to reach a successful concluston to the dispute.

"It notes that talks are likely to take place and calls on the Employers to enter these constructively.

"The Committee will meet again in early January to review the situation, having the views of the Local Government Forum, and it will look positively at the call for escalation should the talks break down."

In the light of this, Matt Sinith, The Scottish Secretary has written to the Employers' Side Leader requesting that talks should now re-open immediately.

I shall of course keep you advised and a full report of today's decision will be made to the next meeting of the Local Government Forum to be held on Tuesday 12 December 2000

Yours sincerely

Joe Di Paola
Scottish Organiser (Local Government)

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