Andy Barnett
"What's one plus one? Whatever
you want it to be. It shows
the difficulty in understanding budgets"
UNISON will train specialists to help branches analyse
council budgets and help identify alternative proposals
to the employer's cuts in jobs and services. It will
also work with regions and branches on support at branch
level people with the time and knowledge to analyse
hidden savings and other budget queries.
Edinburgh's Andy Barnett, supporting the Eastern Region
motion, brought laughter when he said his accountant
father's favourite joke was; "What's one plus one?
Whatever you want it to be. It shows the difficulty
in understanding budgets", said Andy.
"We are fortunate in Edinburgh that our Labour
led administration are raising the bar in terms of budget
scrutiny - the draft will be available for scrutiny
from September and this is a step we welcome and hope
will become a more widely established practice throughout
the country.
"We have an obligation to our members to scrutinise
the budgets of our employers and try to pick up where
these cuts are going to take place and to challenge
them", added Andy.
"Speaking for our branch, we don't have budget
scrutiny experts within our activist base and I am sure
this is the same for most branches.
"We are fortunate to have had the benefit of
a briefing from the walking, talking encyclopedia that
is Dave Watson, but still, we are not in the position
we need to be in to adequately ask questions of the
17 June 2013