Raise our sights in campaigns against ConDem
Stephen Smellie |
Delegates backed Stephen Smellie's call to 'raise our sights'
in opposing cuts to public services, which
as "devastating" and a return to "Victorian
This will include promoting the union's alternative
budget, campaigning for in-house alternatives to privatisation,
building alliances with community groups against the
cuts, and ensuring that branches have the resources and
information they need to defend services, jobs and terms
and conditions.
Scotland's Stephen Smellie said we had
to "raise our heads and raise our sights" and target
our resources.
"I can campaign hard against the Tories
and the Liberals in Lanarkshire but there aren't any!"
he said.
"We need to understand that the Tories
are strong where we are weak. When we are strong with
high membership, campaigning on issues that affect our
members, the Tories don't get elected.
"We need to direct resources to where we
are weak to recruit, link up with community organisations
and build strong campaigns", he said.
Chris Tansley told conference that the "vicious" budget
cuts in councils since 2010 were "starting to bite",
with savings of more than £1bn.
"Elderly care provision is being cut to the bone,
libraries are being closed, social workers are unable
to cope with cut backs and staff shortages, careers advisors
are being starved of resources.
"Services are being privatised at levels unseen
in this country."
He added that those councils with the lowest levels
of budget cuts were Tory ones which had the lowest levels
of deprivation, while those having the highest cuts imposed
were Labour authorities with the most serious levels
of deprivation and most in need of financial support.
Thousand of staff are being made redundant and many
thousands of others are having misery heaped on them
and their families by the pay freeze, he said.
"Meanwhile, the prime minister is organising country
sports with his well-heeled neighbours, in his protective
bubble of wealth and privilege. He has given up any pretence
that we are in this together."