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Manchester 2011


National Delegate Conference 21-24 June 2011

Friday Briefing: Cops off the streets and into our jobs

Motion 41 from Tayside Police Staff slams the use of front line police to take over UNISON members’ jobs. The branch says it faces a ‘double-whammy’ of UNISON frontline jobs being made redundant and then these so-called ‘redundant’ post being backfilled by police officers.

This ‘legal loophole’ is a kick in the teeth to staff members already made redundant or facing the threat of redundancy.

The motion calls on governments to stop replacing posts by taking police officers off the streets.

Community and Voluntary Sector

The next debate is on Young People and the Connexions service followed by two motions on the Private, Community and Voluntary sectors. Motion 65 calls for campaigning with the community and voluntary sector against the government’s cuts agenda.

The motion calls for all branches to engage with members in the workplace to mount a community based campaign in support of vital services. It also looks for advice on using the General Political Fund to assist in joint campaigning with community groups.

Reprioritised motions

103, Opposing the Far Right from Newcastle City says that opposing the far right should be an integral part of the campaign to defend public services. It should involve building community coalitions, an alternative social and political agenda and a co-ordinated campaign. It seeks the banning of EDL demonstrations (already achieved in Newcastle) and supporting counter demonstrations against far right groups. There are some qualifications about the amendments on Unite Against Fascism but Scotland policy is to affiliate.

13 Apprenticeships: Yorkshire and Humberside and Young Members will combine in this call for access to apprenticeships to be made more available.

64 Education: outlines a campaign against cuts and marketisation in education.

81 Defending Our Rights to Industrial Action. The Government has trailed a range of new restrictions including a minimum turnout in ballots. As reported in Wednesday’s edition, Scotland’s amendment 81.1 urges the union to get the best advice possible and use that, Human Rights and European legislation to defend trade union rights.
